(This list will be updated over time: Last Update - 7/23/2024)
Q: How can I save the game?
A: This game supports both manual save and autosave. Please do not exit the game or turn off your system while the save icon is displayed on the bottom left corner of the screen.
■Manual Save
You can manually save your game progress at a base by selecting the stamp book in the Tent.
The game will automatically save at certain timings, which includes the following:
- When returning to the Stage Selection screen from a base
- When starting a stage
- When the daytime phase or nighttime phase starts during a stage
- When completing a stage
- When going through a Torii Gate before engaging a boss
Q: Can I create a backup of my save data?
A: You can create a backup of your save data by uploading it to the PlayStation Plus online storage.
*A PlayStation Plus membership is required to access the PlayStation Plus online storage. For more details, please contact the manufacturer of the console.
Q: How do I use the Mazo Talismans and Artbook of Kunitsu-Gami that I obtained as pre-order bonuses?
A: [Mazo Talisman: Walking Basket and Astral Projection]
You must play the game up to a certain point to be able to change your equipment, including Mazo Talismans, and therefore please continue playing the game until you are able to equip your Mazo Talismans.
[Artbook of Kunitsu-Gami]
You can view the artbook from the title screen > Extras > Artbook.
Game Content
Q: Are there any exclusive features in the PS5 version?
A: There are partial differences due to the specifications for the hardware and controllers, but the basic game contents are the same.
Major features due to the hardware are listed below.
- Resolution: 2160p
- Supports High Dynamic Range (HDR)
- Supports trophy feature
- Supports adaptive trigger features
- Supports haptic feedback features
- Supports remote play
- Supports motion sensors
- Supports ray tracing
- Supports Activities feature
Q: What voice and text languages are available?
A: You can change your language settings by going to Options > Language from the title screen.
[Voice Language]
[Display Language]
Spanish – Latin America
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Portuguese - Brazil
Q: My language setting is set to a language other than Japanese, but some of the texts are still in Japanese.
A: Some of the text in the game, such as the boss’s name at certain scenes, are only available in Japanese.
Q: Are there any differences in the game depending on the regional versions?
A: No, all regional versions of this game have the same game contents.
Q: When starting a stage, the villagers I already purged of defilement returned to normal villagers and don’t have a role.
A: Even if you have given the villagers a role before, you must reassign a role every time you start a stage.
Q: The villagers do not begin repairing a broken structure that requires materials.
A: In order to start the repair work, you must make a repair request after the villagers pick up the required materials. Make sure that you have the villagers carry all of the necessary materials, and then request the villagers to begin the repair from the destroyed structure.
Q: Can I change the appearance of Dance Attack effects?
A: You can change the appearance of Dance Attack effects from Options > Accessibility > Dance Attack Effects.
Q: I cannot use the new Dance Attack style or Archery skill that I unlocked.
A: In order to use your new Dance Attack style or Archery skill, you must equip them at a base.
For details on how to change your attack styles or skills, check the tutorials from the Tutorials tab > Gameplay > Base Tutorials > Changing Dance Attack Styles/Changing Archery Skills.
Q: How can I be eligible for the pre-order bonus contents?
A: The bonuses are for those who pre-ordered the Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess main game before the release.
*The pre-order bonuses may become available separately at a later date.
Q: Can I share or transfer my save data between PlayStation 4 version and PlayStation 5 version of the game?
A: If you have saved data created on the PlayStation 4 version of the game, you can transfer it to the PlayStation 5 version.
However, you cannot transfer saved data from the PlayStation 5 version to the PlayStation version, so you cannot share your save data between the two platforms.
*Save data can only be transferred from the in-game option.
*Save data must first be transferred from the PlayStation 4 system to the PlayStation 5 console storage.
To transfer saved data created on the PlayStation 4 version to the PlayStation 5 version, select Transfer PlayStation 4 System Saved Data under the Server tab in the Options menu. For more details, please visit the Official Web Manual.
Transferring saved Data | Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess Official Web Manual