Street Fighter V uses a unique system to punish players who suddenly and/or frequently disconnect during matches.
Currently, penalties will be incurred for disconnecting during a network match. The system identifies players who have high disconnect rates during matches and locks them out of matchmaking for a period of time. A disconnect will count against a player in both Ranked Match and Casual Match modes from the moment you receive the “Another Fight is Coming Your Way!” notification to when the end results screen has finished calculating.
Please note: any kind of disconnect from a match will be counted; this includes intentionally disconnecting from a match due to poor connection quality, as well as PS4/PS5 crashes, power outages, network outages and other hang-ups.
Players who have been identified as improperly disconnecting will receive an in-game message notifying them they have been locked out of matchmaking and will be given a League Point (LP) penalty. Players with a high disconnect rate will receive a special icon on their Fighter Profile and they will also be matched more frequently with opponents who share this icon.
LP and time-out penalties for disconnects cannot be reversed, and we are unable to manually remove a high disconnect Fighter Profile icon. Players who receive this icon can have it removed by continuously playing matches without disconnecting.